lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Keystrokes for Spanish letters and symbols

Cada día un poco de práctica (Every day a little practice):

Keystrokes for Spanish letters and symbols
Hold the 'alt' key and use the numerical keypad on your right
á = alt 160, example: mamá = mom
é = alt 130, example: café = coffee
í = alt 161, example: maní = peanut
ó = alt 162, example: aló = hello (by phone)
ú = alt 163, example: apúrate = hurry up
ñ = alt 164, example: año = year
Ñ = alt 165, example: Ñandú = Rhea (South American ostrich)
¿ = alt 168 (for questions), example: ¿Vamos? = Are we going?
¡ = alt 173 or alt 0161 (for exclamations), example: ¡Salud! = Cheers! or Bless you!
ü = alt 0252, example: cigüeña = stork


These posts are freshly updated at the Facebook group "Spanish Language Learners"

Do you want to practice Spanish listening comprehension? Visit "Escucha, es fácil"

Do you need a private Spanish tutor? Visit "Spanish Tutor"

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