miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Palabras sobreesdrújulas

Cada día un poco de práctica (Every day a little practice):

Palabras sobreesdrújulas

I have found some websites that say that “palabras sobreesdrújulas” (actually “sobresdrújulas” according to recent writing rules) have an accent on the preantepenultimate syllable. This is not totally true.
They also say all these words have a graphic accent. This is not totally true.
If you look at the definition of "sobreesdrújulo/la" at the DRAE, it says: "Que lleva el acento prosódico en una sílaba anterior a la antepenúltima".
So, the accent could be in the preantepenultimate or further syllable.
intensivamente, cuidadosamente ("acento prosódico" on the fourth syllable from right to left).
devuélvemelo, queriéndotelo ("acento prosódico" and "acento ortográfico" (tilde) on the fourth syllable from right to left).
químicamente, físicamente ("acento prosódico" and "acento ortográfico" on the fifth syllable from right to left).


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