sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Verbo + todo / verbo + de + todo

Cada día un poco de práctica (Every day a little practice):

Verbo + todo - verbo + de + todo

comer todo = to eat all/everything
comer de todo = to eat anything

Este niño come todo lo que le sirven = This kid eats everything what is served up to him
El doctor le permitió a Juan comer de todo = The doctor allowed John to eat anything

comprar todo = to buy all/everything
comprar de todo = to buy every thing/each one of the articles

María quiere comprar todo lo que hay en esta tienda de recuerdos = Mary wants to buy everything in this souvenir store
Emilia no puede entrar a una papelería porque quiere comprar de todo = Emily cannot go into a stationery store because she wants to buy every thing

Nota: Ana está buscando todas las ofertas = Anna is looking for all offers
Ana está mirando todas las ofertas = Anna is looking all offers = Anna is shopping around

leer todo = to read all/everything or every thing
leer de todo = to read all kinds of literature

Desde que Pedrito aprendió a leer, quiere leer todo lo que encuentra = Since Pedrito learned to read, he wants to read every thing he finds
En ese país hay una dictadura y no se puede leer de todo = In that country there is a dictatorship and it is not possible to read all kinds of literature.


These posts are freshly updated at the Facebook group "Spanish Language Learners" https://www.facebook.com/groups/85922882863/

Do you want to practice Spanish listening comprehension? Visit "Escucha, es fácil" http://escuchaesfacil.blogspot.com/

Do you need a private Spanish tutor? Visit "Spanish Tutor" http://the-spanish-teacher.blogspot.com/

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