sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

A.C. - D.C. - CC - CA - C.A. - C. A.

Cada día un poco de práctica (Every day a little practice):

A.C. - D.C. - CC - CA - C.A. - C. A.

A.C. = antes de Cristo = before Christ = B.C.

D.C. = después de Cristo = Anno Domini = A.D.

CC = corriente continua = direct current = DC

CA = corriente alterna = alternating current = AC

C.A. = compañía anónima = corporation = Inc.

C. A. = comunidad autónoma = autonomous community (In Spain)


These posts are freshly updated at the Facebook group "Spanish Language Learners" https://www.facebook.com/groups/85922882863/

Do you want to practice Spanish listening comprehension? Visit "Escucha, es fácil" http://escuchaesfacil.blogspot.com/

Do you need a private Spanish tutor? Visit "Spanish Tutor" http://the-spanish-teacher.blogspot.com/

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